As fall rolls around and the weather cools, many people are eager to get outside and enjoy the vibrant foliage, cooler nights, and cozy campfires that autumn camping offers. If you have camping or outdoor gear that’s just sitting around when you’re not using it, renting it out can be a great way to earn extra cash. This side hustle is ideal if you’re looking to save up for a vacation or add some income without committing to a full-time gig.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to start renting out your camping gear, the best platforms to use, the pros and cons, and the potential earnings you can expect. With the right approach, you can turn your camping gear into a reliable source of income while helping others experience the joys of the outdoors.

Why Renting Out Camping Gear Is a Great Fall Side Hustle

Fall is one of the most popular times of year for camping, especially as the trees turn to shades of red, orange, and gold. Many people want to take advantage of the season but may not have the necessary camping gear. Whether it’s because they’re trying camping for the first time or because they don’t want to invest in expensive gear, renting becomes an attractive option for them. This is where you come in!

By renting out your gear, you can earn money on equipment that would otherwise sit unused. Plus, it’s a sustainable way to share resources and reduce waste, as others can enjoy the outdoors without needing to buy gear that they may only use once or twice a year.

How to Start Renting Out Your Camping Gear

If you’re interested in making money by renting out your camping gear, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Take Inventory of Your Gear

  • Go through your camping equipment and make a list of items you own. Popular gear for rentals includes tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, cooking gear, camp stoves, lanterns, and coolers. You can even rent out smaller items like camping chairs, headlamps, and portable tables.
  • Condition Check: Ensure all your gear is in good condition. Rentals should be clean, functional, and well-maintained, as customers expect quality equipment when they rent.

Step 2: Choose a Rental Platform

  • There are several platforms specifically designed for renting outdoor gear. Here are a few options:
    • Fat Llama: This platform allows users to rent out almost anything, including camping gear. They provide insurance for your items and handle payments.
    • Outdoorsy: While it primarily focuses on RV rentals, Outdoorsy also allows you to rent camping gear as an add-on.
    • Gearo: Known as the “Airbnb for gear rentals,” Gearo allows you to rent out your outdoor equipment to locals in your area.
  • Platform Fees: Keep in mind that most platforms take a small percentage of each rental. Compare fees and terms to find the best fit for your needs.

Step 3: Set Your Rental Prices

  • Research rental prices in your area and on similar platforms. You can typically charge around $10-$15 per day for tents, $8-$10 per day for sleeping bags, and $5-$8 per day for smaller items like camping chairs or lanterns.
  • Bundle Items: Consider offering bundle packages, like a “Full Camping Setup” that includes a tent, sleeping bags, and cooking gear. This can be more convenient for renters and increase your earnings.
  • Example Pricing: If you rent a tent, two sleeping bags, and a camp stove for $35 per day, a weekend rental can bring in around $105.

Step 4: Create a Detailed Listing

  • Photos: High-quality photos are essential. Take clear photos of each item, showing details and any included accessories.
  • Descriptions: Write a detailed description of each item, including size, weight, capacity (e.g., a 4-person tent), and any extra features (e.g., waterproofing, insulation rating for sleeping bags).
  • Pickup & Return Instructions: Specify how and where renters will pick up and return the items. Some platforms even offer delivery options for added convenience.

Step 5: Promote Your Gear Locally

  • In addition to listing on rental platforms, promote your gear locally on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and neighborhood apps like Nextdoor. This can help you reach people who prefer not to go through a third-party platform.
  • Use Social Media: Share your listings on social media to spread the word. Posting about your rental business in local outdoor or travel groups can attract renters who are planning a weekend trip or need last-minute gear.

Pros and Cons of Renting Out Your Camping Gear

While renting out camping gear is a great way to earn extra cash, there are both advantages and challenges to consider:


  • Flexible Income: Renting out your gear doesn’t require a set schedule, so you can earn money on your own terms. You can rent out items when they’re not in use and still keep them for your own adventures.
  • Low Startup Cost: If you already own the gear, your initial cost is essentially zero. This makes it an affordable side hustle.
  • Eco-Friendly Option: Renting gear helps reduce waste by allowing multiple people to use the same equipment instead of buying new. It’s a sustainable choice for people who only camp occasionally.


  • Wear and Tear: Regular rentals can cause wear on your gear, so you’ll need to inspect and clean it between rentals. Over time, you may need to replace items as they age.
  • Risk of Damage or Loss: While most platforms offer insurance, there’s always a small risk that your gear could be returned damaged or not at all. Be sure to use platforms that provide adequate protection.
  • Seasonal Demand: Demand for camping gear rentals is highest in the spring, summer, and fall, which means there may be slower periods in winter.

Pro Tip: Use the off-season to inspect and clean your gear thoroughly. This ensures that everything is in top shape when the busy season rolls around again.

How Much Can You Make Renting Out Camping Gear?

Earnings can vary depending on your location, the quality of your gear, and demand. Here’s a breakdown of average earnings for different types of gear:

ItemAverage Daily Rental PriceWeekend Earnings (Fri-Sun)
Tent$10 – $15$30 – $45
Sleeping Bag$8 – $10$24 – $30
Backpack$8 – $12$24 – $36
Cooking Gear$5 – $8$15 – $24
Full Setup Bundle$35 – $50$105 – $150

For a single weekend rental of a full camping setup (tent, sleeping bags, and cooking gear), you can expect to make around $105 – $150. With consistent rentals, it’s possible to earn $300 – $600 per month or more during peak seasons.

Best Practices for a Smooth Rental Experience

To ensure a positive experience for both you and your renters, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Keep Your Gear Clean and Maintained: Clean and inspect your gear after each rental. For items like sleeping bags, consider using a washable liner to make cleaning easier.
  2. Set Clear Policies: Be upfront about your policies on late returns, damage, and loss. Some platforms allow you to set security deposits, which can help protect your gear.
  3. Communicate with Renters: Good communication can prevent misunderstandings. Send a message before the rental to confirm pickup arrangements and offer instructions on using the gear if needed.
  4. Offer Extras: Consider adding extras like maps of nearby campgrounds, a checklist for campers, or a small starter kit with matches, flashlight batteries, or other essentials. Small touches can encourage positive reviews!

Conclusion: Start Earning Extra Cash This Fall by Renting Out Your Camping Gear

Renting out camping gear is a flexible and profitable way to earn extra income for your next trip, especially during the popular fall camping season. With platforms like Fat Llama, Gearo, and Outdoorsy, getting started is easier than ever. Plus, by sharing your gear with others, you’re contributing to a more sustainable and resourceful way to enjoy the outdoors.

If you have unused camping gear in your closet, why not give it a try? With a little preparation and promotion, you can turn your outdoor equipment into a steady income stream that helps fund your next vacation adventure. Happy renting, and here’s to saving up for your dream trip!