As fall rolls around and the weather cools, many people are eager to get outside and enjoy the vibrant foliage, cooler nights, and cozy campfires that autumn camping offers. If you have camping or outdoor gear that’s just sitting around when you’re not using it, renting it out can be a great way to earn extra cash. This side hustle is ideal if you’re looking to save up for a vacation or add some income without committing to a full-time gig.
In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to start renting out your camping gear, the best platforms to use, the pros and cons, and the potential earnings you can expect. With the right approach, you can turn your camping gear into a reliable source of income while helping others experience the joys of the outdoors.
When planning a trip, every little saving counts. One of the easiest ways to cut down on travel costs is by taking advantage of Best Rate Guarantee (BRG) policies offered by many hotel chains. These policies allow you to get the lowest possible rate for your stay and even provide an additional discount if you find a better rate elsewhere. One popular example is the Marriott Best Rate Guarantee, but many other hotel brands have similar offers. If you’re savvy and patient enough to compare rates, you can unlock some serious savings.
In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Best Rate Guarantee policies, how they work, and provide a step-by-step example using Marriott’s Best Rate Guarantee. Plus, we’ll share some insider tips to help you successfully file a claim and get the best deals on your next hotel stay.
Christmas is a time of magic, joy, and togetherness. But when you’re celebrating the holiday away from home, it can feel challenging to recreate that festive spirit—especially with kids. Whether you’re spending Christmas at a cozy cabin in the mountains, a sunny beachside resort, or a bustling city abroad, it’s entirely possible to make the day extra special and magical for your little ones.
Here are some creative and practical ways to ensure your family enjoys a holiday season filled with wonder, no matter where your travels take you
Looking for a fun way to earn some extra money for your next vacation while getting a little exercise at the same time? Pet sitting and dog walking might be the perfect side hustle for you! It’s a great way to spend time with animals, get outdoors, and put some extra cash in your pocket. Plus, with the right approach, you can turn it into a steady source of income that helps cover vacation expenses like airfare, hotel stays, or activities.
In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about starting a pet-sitting or dog-walking side gig, including overviews of some popular platforms, how to get started, what you can expect from each job, and tips to maximize your earnings. Let’s dive in!
Cruising can be one of the most relaxing and fun vacation options for families, but if you’ve got a family of five like mine, the costs can add up quickly. We took our first cruise a couple of years ago, and it was such an incredible adventure. Our kids were hooked—they were already asking about our next cruise before we even docked! But with a larger family, finding a way to make these trips more affordable is key.
During our last trip, I overheard another passenger mentioning that they booked their cruise last minute through VacationsToGo, a discount website that offers significant savings—sometimes 50% to 90% off the standard prices. These deals are often for cruises booked within 90 days of departure, making them perfect for spontaneous travelers or families with flexible schedules.
In this post, I’ll share everything you need to know about finding discounted cruises, including tips for using VacationsToGo, the pros and cons of last-minute bookings, and other strategies to save on your next cruise. Whether you’re new to cruising or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you plan your next adventure without breaking the bank.
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