Welcome, and thank you for joining us today. For those who haven’t visited the inspirational website of Krystalore Crews or watched her motivating videos, this blog post will offer a brief overview of her fantastic work.

The Inspiring Story of Krystalore Crews

Krystal, the force behind krystalorecrews.com, is an active military servicewoman who has served for over 21 years. Her husband also serves in the military, and the pair have moved four times in the last six years, all while building their businesses. They love traveling, not only for pleasure but also for business and exploring the world.

Life on the move can make it hard to maintain a healthy routine. This challenge spurred Krystalore to help people develop a system of non-negotiable habits that enable them to stay healthy, even while traveling. Her goal is to help people feel their best so that they can look their best, engage fully in family photos, and maintain the energy and zest for life.

Between juggling work, family, career, and in some cases, business, it’s easy to feel depleted. Krystalore’s solution is to help her clients develop a rhythm of non-negotiable routines, empowering them to feel confident and navigate life’s pressures and challenges, even on the go.

How Krystalore Helps You Stay Healthy and Active

Krystalore offers several services to achieve this goal. She hosts a virtual fitness program that streams live 30-minute sessions, requiring no equipment and can be done from a hotel room, a parking lot, or a hallway anywhere in the world. She also offers guidance on healthy habits, nutrition, flexible dieting, a healthy mindset, and confidence building. Additionally, she organizes retreats in Costa Rica, enabling her to blend her passion for fitness, healthy habits, travel, and community.

Krystalore leads by example and lives the lifestyle she encourages others to embrace. This not only establishes her as a role model but also holds her accountable, fostering a beautiful community of people striving to live happier, healthier lives.

The 34-Minute Mindset: A Key to Consistency

When asked how she stays consistent with her fitness and health while traveling, Krystalore shared her 34-minute mindset. She starts each day with two minutes of gratitude, goal setting, and intentionality with her relationships. Then, she ensures she gets at least 30 minutes of movement daily, whether it’s a walk, yoga, crossfit, running, or one of her 30-minute HIIT and kickboxing sessions. Finally, she ends her day with two minutes of reflection and celebration.

The 34-minute mindset acts as a bookend to her day. In between, she focuses on her daily non-negotiables, which include movement, fitness, hydration, sleep, and nutrition. Krystalore’s 30-day Life and Fitness Habit Tracker helps her clients stay on track with their non-negotiables. It encourages them to focus on actions that impact their mental and physical well-being, keeping them grounded and focused to take on each day.

Krystalore’s unique approach breaks the 34-minute routine into manageable increments, making it simple and easy to follow. Her method is a shining example of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while living a busy and fulfilling life. Her system proves that it’s entirely possible to keep our health a priority, no matter the challenges or pressures we face.

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