Hello, good morning, and welcome to Stress-Free Family Travel! Today, we had the pleasure of speaking with Kimberly Crossland, the owner of Road and Cruising and Campfires. Kimberly shares her RV travel experiences with her two young, wild, and fun boys, ages five and seven, and her husband.

Journeying Towards a Life on Wheels

Travel has always been a part of Kimberly’s and her husband’s life. As they started their family, they contemplated different modes of travel, and given her husband’s background in RVing, he suggested they give it a try. Initially, Kimberly was skeptical. As a lover of creature comforts, she wasn’t sure if the RV lifestyle would suit her.

But a visit to an RV show with their two young children changed everything. As they walked into one of the travel trailers, a spark ignited. It was a different experience than she’d envisioned. The comfort and potential for adventure were appealing, and soon, they purchased their first RV.

Despite their maiden voyage being filled with sleepless nights because of their very young children, they were hooked. They found themselves looking forward to the next trip, then the next one, and the next one.

Navigating The ‘Messy Middle’

While the Crossland family does not travel full time, they classify themselves as ‘messy middle RVers’. This means they try to venture out longer and further than just the average weekend trip, aiming for more extended stays to explore more than just their immediate surroundings.

One of their biggest challenges while RVing, especially with young kids, was ensuring the children kept their sleep schedules. The initial phase of RVing was filled with sleepless nights and trying to keep their young ones comfortable in the new environment. But over time, the RV has become a second home for the children.

The Evolution of Challenges

As their children grew older, the challenges shifted. With their curiosity growing, establishing boundaries became essential, especially as each campsite presented different settings and rules. Another interesting challenge has been teaching the children about noise levels to respect the tranquility of certain areas.

Yet, these challenges have only added to their adventures. Kimberly believes that starting the children young has made them adaptable to the travel lifestyle. They’re used to long travel days and have learned to keep themselves entertained even on extended drives.

A Life of Travel

Kimberly and her family intentionally started their RV life when their kids were young. They envisioned a travel-oriented lifestyle for their family and hoped to familiarize their children with different ways of living. They have nurtured their children’s adaptability and developed a system for keeping them engaged and entertained even on long travel days.

Indeed, the Crossland family’s RVing journey provides an enlightening perspective on family travel. Their experiences show how a love for travel, a spirit of adventure, and a flexible mindset can turn challenges into cherished memories. Kimberly’s story serves as a source of inspiration for all those contemplating a lifestyle of travel with their families.

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