Kyla Hunter, founder of the blog ‘Where is the World’, started her venture back in 2012, when planning her family gap year. The lack of resources available for extended family travel on the internet sparked the idea in her mind, prompting her to share her experiences with the world. This was the beginning of ‘Where is the World’, aimed to help others navigate the sometimes murky waters of family travel.

Her companions on this exciting journey are her husband, Randy, and their two daughters, Cae and Casilla, both of whom have been globetrotting since their early years. According to Kyla, they’re seasoned travelers despite their young age.

When it comes to planning their vacations, the Hunters use a variety of methods, starting with the trusty Lonely Planet guides and personal travel blogs for an authentic take on each destination. Kyla’s key to staying organized? Google Maps! She cleverly uses flags to mark interesting spots, UNESCO sites, accommodation options, and even restaurants. This digital mapping helps her curate a bespoke itinerary for her family, no matter the destination.

Despite having journeyed to over 157 different countries, Kyla maintains a pragmatic and efficient packing strategy. They’ve honed their packing skills over time, becoming ‘light packers’ who base their clothing decisions on the weather and resort to a capsule wardrobe system. Each family member adheres to a simple rule: one to wear, one that’s dirty, and one to wash.

With the aim of staying prepared yet avoiding overpacking, Kyla brings along a pair of pants and a sundress or shorts, regardless of the destination. Her unique packing strategy involves using a laundry basket to gather items needed for the trip a week or two in advance. This ensures nothing essential gets left behind, and it also allows the family to think through what they need.

More often than not, the Hunters prefer to travel only with carry-on luggage. Exceptions are made when they’re traveling with their overland vehicle in Europe, requiring more luggage space for vehicle parts and other necessities.

Kyla’s research doesn’t just end with packing; she also tries to get insights from people who have previously visited their next destination. Be it reading packing lists on a blog or gathering tips from friends, Kyla leaves no stone unturned. These details, like the need for water shoes on the rocky beaches of Croatia, can help transform a good vacation into a great one.

Undoubtedly, Kyla Hunter’s pragmatic approach and genuine passion for travel have been instrumental in making ‘Where is the World’ a valuable resource for families worldwide. Her family’s adventures continue to inspire others to pack their bags and explore the world, one destination at a time.

Title: “Planning and Packing for Family Adventures: A Conversation with Kyla Hunter”

In the world of travel, understanding what to pack and how to plan for different destinations can be a bit challenging. It’s often helpful to refer to specific packing lists provided by people who have actually been to the place you intend to visit. General packing lists are great, but for deeper insight, you might need to find a more detailed and specific guide.

During a recent chat with Jaime Kelley, seasoned traveler and mother of two, Kyla Hunter, shared her family’s approach to planning and packing for trips. The family has devised a unique method of engaging the kids in the packing process, which includes a printable packing list complete with checkboxes. Kyla has found this technique to be effective in giving her children a sense of ownership over their belongings and reducing the need for her to micromanage their packing.

According to Kyla, getting the kids involved in planning activities for the trip significantly increases their engagement and enjoyment during the journey. By researching potential activities at the destination, considering the costs to stay within budget, and even checking reviews online, the kids develop a sense of responsibility and understanding of trip planning.

When it comes to managing dietary concerns or allergies during a trip, Kyla mentions the increased availability of information online. She suggests seeking out specific blogs of travelers who have food recommendations for different dietary conditions. A particularly useful tip she shares is carrying small cards written in the local language, explaining any severe food allergies.

To ensure that everyone in the family has an enjoyable experience, Kyla emphasizes the importance of involving the kids in the planning. When everyone gets a chance to choose an activity, it gives them a feeling of control and makes them more likely to respect the choices of others. It’s also crucial to maintain a reasonable pace during the trip, limiting activities to one or two a day to prevent everyone from becoming tired and grouchy.

Remembering to allow children some downtime to decompress is also key. Whether it’s swimming in a pool or playing at a park, Kyla highlights the importance of giving kids the chance to unwind and process everything that they’ve experienced during the day.

In conclusion, the Hunter family’s approach to travel involves early planning, involving everyone in the decision-making process, and allowing ample time to relax and process the day’s experiences. Their methods provide an insightful guide to other families planning their adventures. Remember, the key is to enjoy the journey as much as the destination!

This interview was part of an exclusive 1-1 interview with Kyla Hunter that
will be featured on Stress Free Family Vacations, to attend for free

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