It’s no secret that travel provides a fantastic opportunity for growth and exploration, but have you ever considered it as a learning experience? Erica Forrest, the founder of Trip Scholars, has devised a unique approach that enhances family travel by making it both stress-free and educationally rich. This is what we call the “Learn through Travel” approach.

Let’s delve into the meaning of the acronym ‘LEARN.’ It’s a straightforward yet impactful system that makes any journey more fulfilling and educational.

L – Listen to yourself before you go. It’s essential to align with your inner self to understand what you seek from your trip.

E – Educate yourself about your destination. This step ensures you’re well-prepared and excited about the journey ahead.

A – Advance your travel skills. This involves honing your ability to plan, save money, and navigate new environments with ease.

R – Revitalize. Travel is about more than merely seeing new places; it’s also about rejuvenating the mind and spirit. Staying fully present can help you connect better with your fellow travelers and deepen your experiences.

N – Nourish. This aspect pertains to the end of your trip, when you should incorporate what you’ve learned into your daily life, contributing to personal growth.

So how does this approach translate to families planning a trip? It’s quite simple. As a certified travel agent, a former educator, and a problem-solving coach, Erica brings a unique perspective that goes beyond traditional travel planning. She believes in the importance of involving children in the process, thereby enhancing their interest and investment in the trip.

A common issue for many families is disengaged kids who prefer to stay in the hotel or remain glued to their phones, even when visiting a museum or historical site. The solution? Involve them in the educational aspect of the journey.

The ‘E’ part of ‘LEARN’ plays a crucial role here. By encouraging children to learn about their destination before the trip, they become excited and look forward to the experiences ahead. This method also creates a learning platform for the entire family.

In addition to the ‘LEARN’ method, Erica suggests aligning the trip with the kids’ hobbies or interests. For example, if your child loves cooking, you might explore a cooking class in a country renowned for its cuisine. It’s all about finding a common ground between your child’s interests and the essence of your travel destination.

To wrap up, learning and travel can co-exist harmoniously. The next time you’re planning a family vacation, try incorporating the ‘LEARN’ methodology. As Erica points out, the key to a stress-free and enjoyable journey is to educate, engage, and enrich everyone involved. In doing so, you’ll create a shared journey filled with new knowledge, experiences, and cherished memories.

This interview was part of an exclusive 1-1 interview with Erica that will be featured on Stress Free Family Vacations, to attend for free

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